About the artist

Jiyeong Hwang Image

Who am I?

I am a South Korean artist creating mixed-media and intuitive, abstract fine art.

Having lived in many different places around the world, I bring my love of exploration to my creative process, meaning I do not know where I will end up once I start.

You are most welcome to explore my art as showcased on this site, hoping that it brings you joy.

About my inspiration

I love wildflowers, and I aim to create art that brings the joy of wildflowers in people’s lives. What do I mean by that?

Unique and beautiful, wildflowers appear in the most unexpected places. They are far from the strongest or most robust plants, but they have the ability to make even the greyest backdrop look beautiful.

As my art is found in people’s lives, I want it to be something unexpected and beautiful that simply pops up and brings joy in a unique, bright and colourful way.